Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Teaching your Kids About Finances

Thank Goodness for Pinterest.

I found this fabulous website that helps parents teach children about money step by step.

It's never too early to teach your kids about money and wise spending. This website breaks down age appropriate activities and advice for your little (and not so little kids).

In the 3-5 age category the first step is:
Activities include:

Identify coins and their value.
Discuss how you may value something that
is free, such as playing with a friend.
Identify items that cost money, such as ice
cream, gas for the car, or clothes.

Sounds like some great family night lessons in there.

Friday, May 4, 2012

72 Hour Checklist

72 Hour Emergency Kit 
By Rachel Woods, About LDS Guide, http://lds.about.com

•  Update your kit every six months (put a note in your calendar/planner) to make sure 
that: all food, water, and medication are fresh (not expired), clothing fits, personal 
documents and credit cards are up to date, and batteries are charged. Hint: General Conference is a great time to rotate your kit! 
•  Small toys/games are important too as they will provide some comfort and          
entertainment during a stressful time. 
•  Older children can be responsible for their own pack of items/clothes too. 
•  You can include any other items you feel are necessary for your family's survival. 
•  Some items and/or flavors might leak, melt, “flavor” other items, or break open. 
Dividing groups of items into individual Ziploc bags might help prevent this. 

Food and Water 
(3 day supply of food & water per person
when no refrigeration/cooking is available)
 Protein/Granola Bars
 Trail Mix/Dried Fruit
 Crackers/Cereals (for munching)
 Canned Tuna, Beans, Meat, Vienna
Sausages, etc (“pop-top” cans might leak/
explode & Jerky can “flavor” other items)
 Canned Juice
 Candy/Gum (Jolly ranchers can melt &
mint gum might “flavor” other items)
 Water (1 Gallon/4 Liters per person)
Bedding and Clothing 
 Change of Clothing (short and long
sleeve shirts, pants, socks, jackets, etc.)
 Rain Coat /Poncho
 Blankets and Emergency Heat Blankets
 Cloth Sheet
 Plastic Sheet
Fuel & Light 
 Battery Lighting (Flashlights, Lamps)
 Extra Batteries
 Water-Proof Matches
 Bag or Bags to put 72 hour kit items in
(such as duffel bags or hiking back packs,
which work great)
 Infant Needs (if applicable)
 Can Opener
 Radio (with  batteries!)
 Pen and Paper
 Pocket Knife
 Duct Tape
Personal Supplies & Medication 
 First Aid Supplies
 Toiletries (roll of toilet paper—remove
center tube to easily flatten into a zip-lock
bag, feminine hygiene, folding brush, etc)
 Cleaning Supplies (mini hand sanitizer,
soap, shampoo, dish soap, etc. Warning:
Scented soap might  “flavor” food items.)
 Immunizations Up-to Date
 Medication (Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, children’s medication, etc.)
 Prescription Medication (for 3 days)
Personal Documents and Money
(Place these items in a water-proof container!)
 Scriptures (miniature ones are lighter)
 Genealogy Records
 Patriarchal Blessing
 Legal Documents (Birth/Marriage
Certificates, Wills, Passports, Contracts)
 Vaccination Papers
 Insurance Policies
 Credit Card
 Pre-Paid Phone Cards

Setting Goals

Everyone is at a different point gathering food storage. Some people have a year supply for each family member, some have three months, some have a week, and some people are looking around awkwardly wondering if the 72 hour kit they put together in 1997 has expired (hint, it has). 
None of that matters! If you are a pro or a novice, today is a brand new day! 

If I've learned anything in this calling, it is that I have a long long way to go to gather my own family's personal supply. I have been slowly gathering as time and money permits and I have gained a testimony that as we follow the commandment to become self reliant, we will be blessed in our efforts. 

Step 1 is to make a goal. For those of you who have a year supply for each family member--don't tune out. The wonderful thing about the gospel is that there is ALWAYS room to grow and develop. For those of you who have little to no food storage (not unlike myself) we have LOTS of room to grow and develop. I promise as we actively pursue our food storage we will be blessed and Heavenly Father will recognize our efforts and increase our testimony. 

So go ahead, talk with your spouse and children about what your goal is. Perhaps it is to get a 72 hour kit put together. Maybe it is as simple as to take stock in what you have, or come up with recipes. Maybe it is to gather three months of food for each family member. The possibilities are endless!

My personal goal for the month of may is to finish gathering one years worth of toiletries for my family including (but not limited to):

Body Wash
Toilet Paper (Thanks Costco!)
Contact Solution/cases

So help us out sisters, please share what your self reliance goals are this month:

May Cannery Trip


Saturday, May 19th 11:00am-1:00pm
3750 W. Craig Rd. N Las Vegas, NV 89032
(The Home Storage Center behind the DI on Craig and Allen)

This month we will be ordering cans of:
Carrots, Oats, Spaghetti, and White Rice
Each time we attend the cannery we will be ordering different items.
(If you have a special request, let me know!)
*If you are not able to attend the cannery with us, we would ask that your order not be too large*

1.     Fill in the top of the attached order form (Order forms can also be found on providentliving.org)
2.     Indicate the number of items desired. DO NOT FILL IN THE TOTAL PRICES. This is because the price of each item often fluctuates.

3.     When you turn in your order form to me, attach a signed check made out to Las Vegas LDS HOME STORAGE CENTER with your correct phone number listed on the check and “Painted Mountain Ward” the notes.
*Please DO NOT fill out a dollar amount. The prices of the items often fluctuate. It will be filled in for you at the cannery and a receipt will be given to you when you receive your items*

4.     Return completed order form and attached check to Melissa Turney or Chelsea Mann by the Wednesday before (5/16) the canning date.

CANNING DAY… If you are attending the cannery with us, we will be meeting at the Mann home (649 Wessex Dr.) on Sat 5/19 by 10:30am. Or you can meet us at the cannery at 11:00am.

If you have not attended the cannery with us, you can pick up your order at my house (772 Magrath St.) as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, concerns, comments, etc. contact us
Melissa Turney
Phone: 702.533.4347
Chelsea Mann
Phone: 702.328.4651