Friday, May 4, 2012

Setting Goals

Everyone is at a different point gathering food storage. Some people have a year supply for each family member, some have three months, some have a week, and some people are looking around awkwardly wondering if the 72 hour kit they put together in 1997 has expired (hint, it has). 
None of that matters! If you are a pro or a novice, today is a brand new day! 

If I've learned anything in this calling, it is that I have a long long way to go to gather my own family's personal supply. I have been slowly gathering as time and money permits and I have gained a testimony that as we follow the commandment to become self reliant, we will be blessed in our efforts. 

Step 1 is to make a goal. For those of you who have a year supply for each family member--don't tune out. The wonderful thing about the gospel is that there is ALWAYS room to grow and develop. For those of you who have little to no food storage (not unlike myself) we have LOTS of room to grow and develop. I promise as we actively pursue our food storage we will be blessed and Heavenly Father will recognize our efforts and increase our testimony. 

So go ahead, talk with your spouse and children about what your goal is. Perhaps it is to get a 72 hour kit put together. Maybe it is as simple as to take stock in what you have, or come up with recipes. Maybe it is to gather three months of food for each family member. The possibilities are endless!

My personal goal for the month of may is to finish gathering one years worth of toiletries for my family including (but not limited to):

Body Wash
Toilet Paper (Thanks Costco!)
Contact Solution/cases

So help us out sisters, please share what your self reliance goals are this month:


  1. I want to collect as many months of water as possible, maybe 2 months. We shall see....

  2. Melissa- I love this blog and will go ahead and share my goal for May here. I have let myself get complacent and I recently went into my food storage (that used to be well-stocked) and was looking for a staple we use all the time and we were completely out. I realized how long it's been since I evaluated our supply, so my goal is just to re-take inventory and make a plan to get back where I was a couple of years ago! I'm planning to get this done before the kids get out of school.
